Today is the day.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

So today is Easter Sunday. This means alot of things to me. It is a cornerstone for my faith and life as a Christian. It is symbolic and a source of fun memories.

It means a big meal with my family, getting cute easter baskets from my mom *yes, still, I know I'm 20...*, and this year : watching what I eat. Normally I'd load up on Paska *mmmm* but I'll actually have to count and weigh my food a bit. Awh well, that's nothing. I'm thankful that my stomach shrank a bit- it must have. I can't physically eat half as much as I used to-and this is a wonderful thing. Otherwise I'd be packing in half the ham, a dozen deviled eggs, and allll the chocolate I can find. Actually, I'm more excited for the Peeps.

I can see why people get worked up and worried over holiday food-they want it all and know they shouldn't or can't. But thats fine. It's ONLY FOOD. I think it's important to enjoy food, to savour it, but to recognize that it's only food. What a concept. It took me 20 years to realize that food isn't some AMAZING WONDERFUL END-ALL BE-ALL thing. It is God given to nourish our bodies, give us fuel, and yes, to give us a little treat now and then. I know it will kind of suck to not eat the amount of food I'm used to, but I'll get over it. And my body will thank me.
Happy Easter to all who read!


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