Today is the day.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Still confusing...

So this is my second crack at this blog thing. I am probably the most not-technologically advanced person ever. That is to say... I suck at anything related to computers/technology/electronics in general. I am getting really confused with this blogger site. My wonderful friend matt got me a cute layout (thanks matt!). But I am still getting pretty lost with the whole "following" of people. I can click on some people blogs, but I cannot find the "follow" button on everyones blogs. Maybe I'm just blind. SO there are more people's blogs that I would love to follow...but I just haven't figured it out yet! Please bare with me...

In other news, today was my 9th WI. I was down 0.6, which is fine. I basically ate my weekly points in pizza this past week. I ate SO much pizza, it was pretty sick and sad. That said, I am going to abstain from my pizza-addiction this week. Enough said.

I am pretty stoked on this WW thing still, which is great. I've never actually tried dieting, or tried a new lifestyle plan. I'm not one of the people who has tried EVERYTHING...I've tried nothing. And I'm pretty glad about that. Yo-yo dieting can actually pretty bad for you in the long run, so I'm happy to have saved myself the stress of that. But now that I'm on track with something that is working, and healthy, it will pretty much impossible to get me to stop.

I'm still not sure what my ultimate goal is. I got my 10% goal last week and didn't stay for the meeting, so I have not actually had a meeting with my leader to figure out my ultimate goal. I'd like to think somewhere in the 120's, but I'm not sure how maintainable that will be for me. I'm 5'1'', so if anyone else is 5'1''...let me know what you're at haha! I'd love to be able to see what my body would look like around the 120's. We shall see! I hope to get to my goal (no matter where that ends up being) by next winter. I've got at least another 30 lbs to lose, so that could be another 30 weeks, give or take a few on either side. Ahh well!

In more exciting news: I'm going to see my nephew, and heading to a play (I'd really rather not) with my best friend Matt. My fella, Jared, is home for the evening studying so that's just fine. Should be a good night!

Anyways, we'll see when I post again!


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