Today is the day.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

So today is Easter Sunday. This means alot of things to me. It is a cornerstone for my faith and life as a Christian. It is symbolic and a source of fun memories.

It means a big meal with my family, getting cute easter baskets from my mom *yes, still, I know I'm 20...*, and this year : watching what I eat. Normally I'd load up on Paska *mmmm* but I'll actually have to count and weigh my food a bit. Awh well, that's nothing. I'm thankful that my stomach shrank a bit- it must have. I can't physically eat half as much as I used to-and this is a wonderful thing. Otherwise I'd be packing in half the ham, a dozen deviled eggs, and allll the chocolate I can find. Actually, I'm more excited for the Peeps.

I can see why people get worked up and worried over holiday food-they want it all and know they shouldn't or can't. But thats fine. It's ONLY FOOD. I think it's important to enjoy food, to savour it, but to recognize that it's only food. What a concept. It took me 20 years to realize that food isn't some AMAZING WONDERFUL END-ALL BE-ALL thing. It is God given to nourish our bodies, give us fuel, and yes, to give us a little treat now and then. I know it will kind of suck to not eat the amount of food I'm used to, but I'll get over it. And my body will thank me.
Happy Easter to all who read!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Okay so I lost .8 this week, which was so unexpected! If you read my last post, you will see that I have been completely off plan for the past 2 weeks or so. I am so happy to have lost at all! I was expecting a gain.
But this is just a wake-up call that I *could* be doing better, but also that I *should* be doing better. I should be tracking, I should be caring about what I put in my mouth, I do need to tighten the reigns a bit.
So here I go, week 13 is GOING to be an OP week.
Also, I changed my layout. The last one was cute, but not functional at all.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Awful Awful Awful!

It has been a baaaaaad 2 weeks for me, weight watchersly speaking, that is. I've been busy and had lots of fun, thats great! But my eating has been OUT OF CONTROL! I quit tracking altogether for the most part. I haven't been getting my GHG'S. The only things I have been getting are water and..multivitamins. Ack I have to pick up the pace!
I hit my first 20 pound loss this past week and thought "whoo hoo, good for me, I can ease up..." only that was totally the wrong thing to do! I need to work harder to make sure I don't keep adding those one pound gains. Okay, so I've only had one gain, but even so. I want to avoid them as much as I can!
I can't wait for my weigh in tomorrow. Not because I want to see my gain/loss, but because I want to start another week fresh! My sister joined last week and has a bit of weight to lose. She has dropped TONS of weight since she had her baby 4 weeks ago, but she's still got a fair ways to go. I want to be able to be supportive and a good "example" *how corny*. But its true.
I refuse to say "hopefully I'll do better this week". Because I WILL do better. I KNOW I will. I have to.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

245...can't sleep.

UGH I hate it when I can't fall asleep! I mean...I was up early-ish (does 915 count?). But I didn't do a darn thing all day. I didn't even go outside. That is disgusting.
I was doing my theory homework alllll day today. Literally, over 8 hours and I only covered 7 chapters. Mind you, that is 7 chapters I didn't understand at first. So I am pleased with the amount of work I got done.
What I'm NOT pleased with is not falling asleeeeeeeeeeep! I have so much to do tomorrow. Not really haha, but I have to be up early and functioning for my theory class and piano lesson. Yes, I do still take piano lessons haha. But this is the last year, whoo hoo! Then I can just teach my time away. Good way to make a quick buck.
The worst part about staying up until almost 3 in the morning is getting hungry! My body is just hungry and I don't want to wake up the rest of the house (all two of them) by going thru the fridge or wandering around. Nor do I really want to be eating at 3am...
But frig, this is annoying. It only happens every so often that I just can't sleep.
I've been really loving my new room. It's bigger, I have a bigger bed, it's freshly painted with brand new furniture. I have been sleeping great, but I guess my body just isn't tired. It has no real reason to be. I tried reading, thinking, praying, tossing and turning every single way: but no luck! Awh well...
That is why I am blogging. Haha!
Well,here I go again. trying to sleep for the 234932th time.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Long time no chat!

Well it's been a while since my last blog. I've been on holidays this past week, and have been way busier than I thought I would be! My sister brought her baby over a few times, so that was fun but took alot of energy and time. I got new furniture and had to be here to set the room up, which was wayyyy more stressful than it should have been! But I won't go there..think positive thoughts!
Last night I went to my boyfriend's place for a Welcome Home party for his sister. She just got back from a year teaching English in Japan. So awesome! It was nice to see her, I've only met her a few times...even though me and Jared have been dating for 2.5 years. But she's sweet, and it was a good time! I even stayed away from the cheese ball (mmm, well not totally, but I only had 3 crackers!) and stuck to the fruits and veggies. I was very proud of myself!
I think I was especially consious of that because I gained a pound this past week. No big deal. I know it was bound to happen sometime. I go to meetings with my mom, and two of our friends. Everyone is sort of "taking turns" gaining a pound, so I've been bracing myself for it haha. And surprisingly, not a big deal at all! Just makes me more aware that I've got to keep tracking and stay accountable to the program. This past week I went over my weekly points and didn't exercise as much because I was just running around so much and not bothering to track. I also ate about a dozen cookies while baking haha. But I know what I need to watch out for, and I know I'll lose that pound again! No biggie.
Tonight should be interesting. There is a young adult's potluck at my church. I'm bringing bruschetta and french bread, and plan to load up on the salad. But the theme is : Italian food, so I'm expecting to dip into the WP's for some pasta dishes, mmm. Should be good, I'm pretty excited! This should be a good week, both for WW and for other things. I've got a facial planned for friday to celebrate my 10% loss, and a party at a friends. Hopefully I will keep up with this blog a little better!
And to those of you wondering--I am working on my layout! I realize there is no "follow" or "comment" buttons. I'm getting my pal to check this out or just get me a new layout. So it should be up and running soon!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Still confusing...

So this is my second crack at this blog thing. I am probably the most not-technologically advanced person ever. That is to say... I suck at anything related to computers/technology/electronics in general. I am getting really confused with this blogger site. My wonderful friend matt got me a cute layout (thanks matt!). But I am still getting pretty lost with the whole "following" of people. I can click on some people blogs, but I cannot find the "follow" button on everyones blogs. Maybe I'm just blind. SO there are more people's blogs that I would love to follow...but I just haven't figured it out yet! Please bare with me...

In other news, today was my 9th WI. I was down 0.6, which is fine. I basically ate my weekly points in pizza this past week. I ate SO much pizza, it was pretty sick and sad. That said, I am going to abstain from my pizza-addiction this week. Enough said.

I am pretty stoked on this WW thing still, which is great. I've never actually tried dieting, or tried a new lifestyle plan. I'm not one of the people who has tried EVERYTHING...I've tried nothing. And I'm pretty glad about that. Yo-yo dieting can actually pretty bad for you in the long run, so I'm happy to have saved myself the stress of that. But now that I'm on track with something that is working, and healthy, it will pretty much impossible to get me to stop.

I'm still not sure what my ultimate goal is. I got my 10% goal last week and didn't stay for the meeting, so I have not actually had a meeting with my leader to figure out my ultimate goal. I'd like to think somewhere in the 120's, but I'm not sure how maintainable that will be for me. I'm 5'1'', so if anyone else is 5'1''...let me know what you're at haha! I'd love to be able to see what my body would look like around the 120's. We shall see! I hope to get to my goal (no matter where that ends up being) by next winter. I've got at least another 30 lbs to lose, so that could be another 30 weeks, give or take a few on either side. Ahh well!

In more exciting news: I'm going to see my nephew, and heading to a play (I'd really rather not) with my best friend Matt. My fella, Jared, is home for the evening studying so that's just fine. Should be a good night!

Anyways, we'll see when I post again!

Friday, March 20, 2009

First blog.

So I decided to jump on this blogging bandwagon. It will be a way for me to connect with others- but more importantly- myself. There have been days when I wish I would journal more, write more, spend more time alone. But life has been waayyyy too busy. So- I shall blog! Typing is way faster than handwriting, which is good because my mind can race faster than I can write.

This blog will be mostly about my weight loss journey. Still feels kinda weird to say that. I guess the funny part is that I was actually finally "okay" with who I was before I joined Weight Watchers. I have a great family, an amazing boyfriend, good friends. They all loved me just as I was, so I decided to love me too. But part of loving myself, meant being good to myself. And I started realizing that I wasn't feeling quite as good about myself as I thought I was...

I actually started to feel physically uncomfortable in my skin. I felt my heart beating so fast after walking up the stairs in my house. I went to bed wondering if my breathing pattern was normal. My clothes were too tight. I had to see a specialist about stomach/digestion issues that were getting worse, and it turned out I had a fatty liver. At 20. Which only makes sense...Kraft Dinner and take-out were just my every-day norm. -Shudder-

My mom suggested that we join WW together. At first I shrugged it off, got a lil defensive and said "I don't need to pay someone to tell me what to eat. I can't imagine tracking points". But then I looked online and found out more about the program. It finally clicked, and I was so stoked to join! I couldn't wait!

I am currently in my 9th week, and have lost 18.6 pounds so far.I am roughly the same size I was when I graduated high school 3 years ago. It is unreal how much better I feel on the inside, and that only translates to the outside.

I am loving the WW way of life, and can't wait to keep living this way. I am hopefully going to be able to connect more with the people on the boards, since I haven't posted terribly much. I can't wait to see how much more I will learn and change, and how my life will benefit from being healthy for the first time in..well...forever haha.