Today is the day.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Long time no chat!

Well it's been a while since my last blog. I've been on holidays this past week, and have been way busier than I thought I would be! My sister brought her baby over a few times, so that was fun but took alot of energy and time. I got new furniture and had to be here to set the room up, which was wayyyy more stressful than it should have been! But I won't go there..think positive thoughts!
Last night I went to my boyfriend's place for a Welcome Home party for his sister. She just got back from a year teaching English in Japan. So awesome! It was nice to see her, I've only met her a few times...even though me and Jared have been dating for 2.5 years. But she's sweet, and it was a good time! I even stayed away from the cheese ball (mmm, well not totally, but I only had 3 crackers!) and stuck to the fruits and veggies. I was very proud of myself!
I think I was especially consious of that because I gained a pound this past week. No big deal. I know it was bound to happen sometime. I go to meetings with my mom, and two of our friends. Everyone is sort of "taking turns" gaining a pound, so I've been bracing myself for it haha. And surprisingly, not a big deal at all! Just makes me more aware that I've got to keep tracking and stay accountable to the program. This past week I went over my weekly points and didn't exercise as much because I was just running around so much and not bothering to track. I also ate about a dozen cookies while baking haha. But I know what I need to watch out for, and I know I'll lose that pound again! No biggie.
Tonight should be interesting. There is a young adult's potluck at my church. I'm bringing bruschetta and french bread, and plan to load up on the salad. But the theme is : Italian food, so I'm expecting to dip into the WP's for some pasta dishes, mmm. Should be good, I'm pretty excited! This should be a good week, both for WW and for other things. I've got a facial planned for friday to celebrate my 10% loss, and a party at a friends. Hopefully I will keep up with this blog a little better!
And to those of you wondering--I am working on my layout! I realize there is no "follow" or "comment" buttons. I'm getting my pal to check this out or just get me a new layout. So it should be up and running soon!


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