Today is the day.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

245...can't sleep.

UGH I hate it when I can't fall asleep! I mean...I was up early-ish (does 915 count?). But I didn't do a darn thing all day. I didn't even go outside. That is disgusting.
I was doing my theory homework alllll day today. Literally, over 8 hours and I only covered 7 chapters. Mind you, that is 7 chapters I didn't understand at first. So I am pleased with the amount of work I got done.
What I'm NOT pleased with is not falling asleeeeeeeeeeep! I have so much to do tomorrow. Not really haha, but I have to be up early and functioning for my theory class and piano lesson. Yes, I do still take piano lessons haha. But this is the last year, whoo hoo! Then I can just teach my time away. Good way to make a quick buck.
The worst part about staying up until almost 3 in the morning is getting hungry! My body is just hungry and I don't want to wake up the rest of the house (all two of them) by going thru the fridge or wandering around. Nor do I really want to be eating at 3am...
But frig, this is annoying. It only happens every so often that I just can't sleep.
I've been really loving my new room. It's bigger, I have a bigger bed, it's freshly painted with brand new furniture. I have been sleeping great, but I guess my body just isn't tired. It has no real reason to be. I tried reading, thinking, praying, tossing and turning every single way: but no luck! Awh well...
That is why I am blogging. Haha!
Well,here I go again. trying to sleep for the 234932th time.


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